We are a financial intermediary specialising in asset management, corporate finance and wealth management. We serve individual and institutional clients.
Segregated Equity Fund
The Bard Santner Investors Segregated Equity Fund seeks to preserve and enhance the long-term value of local currency denominated savings by investing in a defined mix of securities listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange.
Fund currency | Zimbabwe Gold |
Mandate | Zimbabwe Stock Exchange listed equities |
Risk | Medium |
Liquidity | 1 year + |
Domicile | Zimbabwe |
Legal structure | SECZIM regulated |
Is the return fixed or variable?
The return is variable and target return is CPI + 5%.
How long should I invest?
You should invest for at least a year
How are funds invested?
In a mix of blue chip, emerging blue chip and speculative counters
What is the cost of investing in the Segregated Equity Fund?
Our management fees are 0.5% and set up fees are 0.5%
What is the redemption notice period?
14 days
The requirements are: